My version has tomatoes. Makes it taste even better. Depends on your preferences, of course.
A few months ago, I was driving home from the office and I was starving so I decided to stop by a nearby Caltex gas station where there’s a Domino’s pizza joint. I was enticed by the new item on their menu. It reminded me of that Greek cheese by Al Marai that we used to enjoy back in Saudi Arabia. And low and behold, pizza with feta cheese! The taste was so good that I wanted to order at least five more large boxes. Well, why not make it on our own instead?

You gotta try this out! I’m not being paid to endorse ‘em, but I highly suggest that you go give this pizza a try.
So, let’s reverse-engineer this pizza!
First thing’s first, let’s make some pizza crust dough! You can check out my other post here on how to make some good pizza dough. Check out my new stand mixer by the way. Ever since I used this, my dough has become much more consistent. I suggest you also get one once you get the hang of making doughs.

The Sauce
Basically, this pizza has an Alfredo sauce base. The question is, where do we get some Alfredo sauce? I could see that you can get some from online stores such as Lazada, but I don’t want to risk ordering a jar of fake sauce or something so I figured that I might as well make my own.

All you need are five ingredients, and the rest is self-explanatory. You’re going to need some minced garlic, a cube of butter, half a canister of grated parmesan cheese, some dried oregano and a small box of cream. Go with the butter and garlic first on medium heat, don’t burn it but you need to make sure the flavor of the garlic mixes in well with the butter before you add the rest of the ingredients. Once you’re done with this sauce, you’re all set. This amount of sauce can make about three pizzas.
Okay, let’s make some pizza!
After your dough finishes proofing, you’re going to need to prepare both feta and mozzarella cheeses, some spinach and I would recommend adding tomatoes for some sourness. One thing that this pizza lacks is that sour taste. Also, don’t forget to preheat your oven to 230 degrees Celsius.

Shape your dough and poke some holes on the surface that you’re going spread your sauce on. We’ll let the dough rise a bit before placing it inside the oven and those holes are going to prevent your crust from rising in from the central part. All we want are fluffy edges, not a fluffy surface for the toppings.

Go ahead and put some sauce on the crust. Chop up some small feta cubes and drop it in after the sauce. We don’t want to totally cover the crust with feta cheese, but we don’t want to put too little either. Then, put some shredded mozzarella after you’ve put in the feta cheese.

The mozzarella cheese serves as glue for the other toppings. Ideally, we don’t want it to burn so it’s alright if we cover it up totally with other toppings. Go first with the spinach, then the tomatoes if you want to add some of that. Personally, I prefer it with tomatoes.

After about 11 minutes, it should be ready. Wait until the edges “redden” a little bit. Don’t go beyond 15 minutes or you’ll have some burnt pizza. Get it out of the oven, slice it up and enjoy. Bon appetite!

Categories: Pizza, Lockdown, Food, DIY